Once one reflects upon and identifies their current state of emotions, strategies to mitigate the stressors can be reviewed and selected for implementation.

Here are a few ideas to consider.

Strategy & Resource Videos

Establish Boundaries
While teachers care about their students 24/7, they should not be expected to be available 24/7.

Email Strategies
Email strategies can help establish healthy boundaries between our personal and home lives.

Social Media Strategies
Social media strategies can help us have positive scrolling experiences.

Mindful Deep Breathing Strategy
Daily deep breathing exercises can help lower a body’s cortisol levels which becomes elevated when experiencing stress.

Digital Positivity
Educators share advice for remaining positive in a challenging career. Read their advice and share your own.

Strategies for EdTech Coaches to Support Teacher Wellness
The wellness of teachers needs to be a priority for all, including edtech coaches and facilitators.

Collaborative Interactive Resources

Educators rely on one another for support and inspiration. Click HERE to check out a couple of the interactive collaborative resources found in the book for shared wisdom and inspiration along with some ideas for practicing self-care.